
My Travel Map in Korea

유네스코 세계유산 목록 / UNESCO World Heritage List (12)

유네스코 세계유산 방문기 (KOR / ENG)

문화유산 / Cultural
1) 한국의 역사마을: 하회와 양동 (Historic Villages of Korea: Hahoe and Yangdong)

2) 석굴암, 불국사 (Seokguram Grotto and Bulguksa Temple)

3) 경주역사유적지구 (Gyeongju Historic Areas)

4) 창덕궁 (Changdeokgung Palace Complex)

5) 고창, 화순, 강화 고인돌 유적 (Gochang, Hwasun and Ganghwa Dolmen Sites)

6) 해인사 장경판전 - 팔만대장경 보관서고 (Haeinsa Temple Janggyeong Panjeon, the Depositories for the Tripitaka Koreana Woodblocks)

7) 수원 화성 (Hwaseong Fortress)

8) 종묘 (Jongmyo Shrine)

9) 남한산성 (Namhansanseong)

10) 조선왕릉 (Royal Tombs of the Joseon Dynasty)

11) 백제역사유적지구 (Baekje Historic Areas)

자연유산 / Natural
12) 제주 화산섬과 용암동굴 (Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes)

유네스코 무형문화유산 / UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage (17)

1) 김장 (Kimjang, making and sharing kimchi)

2) 영산재 (Yeongsanjae)

3) 한산모시짜기 (Weaving of Mosi (fine ramie) in the Hansan region)

4) 택견 (Taekkyeon, a traditional Korean martial art)

5) 종묘제례 및 종묘제례악 (Royal ancestral ritual in the Jongmyo shrine and its music)

6) 판소리 (Pansori epic chant)

7) 남사당놀이 (Namsadang Nori)

8) 농악 (Nongak: Community band music, dance and rituals in the Republic of Korea)

9) 줄타기 (Jultagi, tightrope walking)

10) 제주 칠머리당 영등굿 (Jeju Chilmeoridang Yeongdeunggut)

11) 강릉단오제 (Gangneung Danoje festival)

12) 강강술래 (Ganggangsullae)

13) 가곡 (Gagok, lyric song cycles accompanied by an orchestra)

14) 매사냥 (Falconry, a living human heritage)

15) 대목장 (Daemokjang, traditional wooden architecture)

16) 처용무 (Cheoyongmu)

17) 아리랑 (Arirang, lyrical folk song in the Republic of Korea)

유네스코 세계기록유산 / UNESCO Memory of the World (11)

1) 새마을운동 기록물 (Archives of Saemaul Undong - New Community Movement)

2) 직지심체요절 (Baegun hwasang chorok buljo jikji simche yojeol (vol.II), the second volume of "Anthology of Great Buddhist Priests' Zen Teachings")

3) 동의보감 (Donguibogam: Principles and Practice of Eastern Medicine)

4) 5.18 민주화운동 기록물 (Human Rights Documentary Heritage 1980 Archives for the May 18th Democratic Uprising against Military Regime, in Gwangju, Republic of Korea)

5) 일성록 (Ilseongnok: Records of Daily Reflections)

6) 난중일기 (Nanjung Ilgi: War Diary of Admiral Yi Sun-sin)

7) 고려대장경판 및 제경판 (Printing woodblocks of the Tripitaka Koreana and miscellaneous Buddhist scriptures)

8) 승정원 일기 (Seungjeongwon Ilgi, the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat)

9) 조선왕조실록 (The Annals of the Choson Dynasty)

10) 훈민정음 (The Hunmin Chongum Manuscript)

11) 조선왕조의궤 (Uigwe: The Royal Protocols of the Joseon Dynasty)


  1. Wow I remember visiting 안동 at this time of the year in 2014. I hope you make wonderful memories looking around the well preserved Korean houses and feel the atmosphere of the very old but beautiful Korean village.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Please go to 경주!
    경주 is historic city of Korea. And very very beautiful city!
    I went there last summer vacation with my family.
    I am 6th grade of Incheon - jak jeon elementary school of Korea.
    My name is Kim - kang hyun. I heard hurt you from Korean attacker.
    Are you okay? Korea as a person...I'm so sorry... and I'm so sad because I'd like to work for Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I think so diplomat have to protect from all of the danger.
    My country as Korea. Will be protect you from danger. Please forgive this happening.
    I play your good health to god.
    (I don't know you understanding my poor english, but I did my best)
    (영어를 열심히 공부하는 중인데 잘 몰라서 구글 번역기 도움을 받아서 적었습니다.
    대사님의 쾌유를 빕니다. 한국인의 한 사람, 외교관을 꿈꾸는 어린이로서 정말 죄송합니다.)
    ** 엄마에게 허락받고 엄마의 Google 아이디로 글 남김니다. Bluestar는 엄마의 Nickname이고,
    HMPark는 엄마 이름을 약식표시한것입니다. ^^

  4. 대사님!
    빠른쾌유를 빕니다.

  5. Where all do you want to go, during your time in South Korea?


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