CICI 와 한국의 국가 브랜드

한국이 지속적으로 변화, 성장해나감에 따라 한국이라는 글로벌 브랜드도 점점 두각을 나타내고 있습니다. 바로 부분이  한국이미지커뮤니케이션연구원 (CICI) 하는 역할인데요, CICI 2003 한국의 국가 브랜드와 이미지 연구하고 제고하기 위해 설립된 기관입니다. 외교부 산하에 등록된 비영리 단체로, 다양한 활동과 연구를 통해서 한국의 국제적 인지도를 제고하기 위해 힘쓰고 있답니다.       
하비브 하우스에 모인 Korea CQ 동문들의 모습입니다.

얼마 저는 Korea CQ 동문들과 졸업생들을 관저인 하비브 하우스로 초청해 Korea CQ 여름 동문 행사를 주최했습니다. 저녁 식사와 시상식을 겸한 자리였는데요, CQ는 Culture Quotient (문화 지수), Communication Quotient (커뮤니케이션 지수), Cooperation Quotient (협력 지수), Concentration Quotient (집중 지수), 그리고 Creativity Quotient (창의력 지수) 의미합니다. Korea CQ 프로그램은 년에 차례 열리는 포럼으로, 한국 외국의 기업 임원, 학자, 정부 관계자들 간의 문화 교류, 대화, 네트워킹의 장이 되고 있습니다. 이번 행사가 보여주듯, CICI 각계각층의 다양한 사람들이 모여 서로의 문화적 경험을 공유할 있도록 도와주고 있습니다. 이번에는 국내외 정치, 기업, 문화, 과학계 등에서 여러 전문가와 지도자들이 참석하였습니다.    

전세계적으로 한국 문화의 매력을 발견하는 이들이 매일 늘어나고 있습니다. 지금도 미국에는 한국 음악과 드라마를 사랑하는 이들이 모인 수백 개의 클럽이 존재하며, 수천 명의 미국인들이 여러 학교와 대학에서 한국어 공부에 열중하고 있습니다. CICI 이같은 행사들은 한국 문화에 대한 높아지는 관심에 부응하고자 노력하고 있습니다.   

Korea CQ 동문 행사에서 연설을 하는 저의 모습입니다.

CICI 이사장 최정화 교수님과 자리를 함께 했습니다.

참석한 모든 이들이 정말 즐거운 시간을 가졌습니다. CICI에서는 함께 자리해준 특별 손님에게 감사를 표시했는데요, 엘리자베스 베르타뇰리 주한오스트리아 대사님께서 협력상을, 머크 코리아 패트리샤 뮌스터와 울로프 뮌스터 사업 총괄 내외께서 대상을 수상하셨답니다.  

수상자 모두 축하드립니다!

CICI CICI Korea, Korea CQ, 그리고 문화소통포럼(CCF) 비롯해 다양한 문화 행사를 연중 내내 개최합니다. CCF 가장 연례 행사 하나로, 이번 가을에 개최될 예정입니다. 13 국가에서 14-18명의 문화계 인사들과 한국 문화에 대한 경험이 있는 대표들이 함께 서로 지식과 아이디어를 나누는 행사입니다.

다시 한 번 문화간의 가교를 놓고, 한국의 대외 이미지가 한국의 성장과 나란하게 지속적으로 성장, 발전할 있도록 애쓰시는 최정화 이사장님과 CICI 깊은 감사를 드립니다.  

정말 많은 분들이 와주셨죠? 참석해주신 분들 모두 감사합니다 !


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ambassador Lippert, we know how loyal and faithful our dogs across the world are; and we all ask a lot of them – they serve us in innumerable ways: farm work, war work, police and guard duties, search and rescue, help for the disabled, guiding and guardianship, and, of course, as our loving and trusting companions, such as Grigsby. Please take immediate action and help us bring attention to the horrendous torture and slaughter of dogs and cats in S. Korea and urge their government to end this brutal trade once and for all. Thank you.

  3. South Korea tortures and consumes up to 5 million dogs a year! Please I urge you to stand up for the animals of South Korea! No animal deserves to suffer the way these dogs and cats suffer! no animal deserves to suffer extreme torture and pain all for the sake of some asinine, outdated belief that the meat will taste better! No animal deserves to be boiled, skinned, dismembered or blowtorched alive! Please stand up for companion animals!

  4. Please end the brutal torture and killing of dogs in South Korea. This is not about "culture." It's about cruelty; dogs are hung, beaten to death, and boiled alive. It's unconscionable and it must end now. Silence = complicity. Please act.

  5. Please use your influence to stop the torture and killing of dogs and cats in S. Korea.
    Thank you

  6. Asian countries that participate in the theft and torture of companion animals pets. dogs,cats,should not be treated favorably.
    On the contrary those countries should be purged from having relations with the USA.
    We need a federal boycott and resolution 752 to be passed in the senate.
    Perhaps you should visit the Boknal Slaughter Fest...if you would dare to see the truth.

  7. Asian countries that participate in the theft and torture of companion animals pets. dogs,cats,should not be treated favorably.
    On the contrary those countries should be purged from having relations with the USA.
    We need a federal boycott and resolution 752 to be passed in the senate.
    Perhaps you should visit the Boknal Slaughter Fest...if you would dare to see the truth.

  8. Dear Ambassador Lippert,

    Please watch the undercover videos from South Korea’s dog meat industry:

    We know how loyal and faithful our dogs across the world are; and we all ask a lot of them – they serve us in innumerable ways: farm work, war work, police and guard duties, search and rescue, help for the disabled, guiding and guardianship, and, of course, as our loving and trusting companions, such as Grigsby. Please take immediate action and help us bring attention to the horrendous torture and slaughter of dogs and cats in S. Korea and urge their government to end this brutal trade once and for all.

    An online petition calling for your support in ending the horrendous South Korean dog and cat meat cruelty is in progress:
    The favor of your reply is requested.
    Thank you,
    Mr Nicholas Spry
    United Kingdom

  9. Please stand with the people to stop the Dog Meat Trade. We need your support if you care at all about this issue. thank you

  10. Ambassador Lippert,
    Millions of dogs are brutalized and inhumanely slaughtered for their meat in South Korea. Dog lovers and compassionate citizens across the U.S. urge you to use your influence to pressure the South Korean government to ban the dog meat trade and enforce animal cruelty laws. The world will be watching the international embarrassment and disgrace that is Boknal.

  11. Dear Ambassador Lippert,

    Animals lovers around the world like you and I know how loyal and faithful our dogs are.

    We ask a lot of them, and they willingly serve us in innumerable ways.

    Dogs work on our farms, they serve us in times of war, acting as police and guard dogs, serving in search and rescue missions, as helpers for the disabled, offering guidance and guardianship ... and, of course, as our loving and trusting companions, just like your dear Grigsby.

    That is why animal lovers the world over agonize over the HORRIFIC undercover videos from South Korea’s thriving dog meat industry:

    And that is why we call on you to please take immediate action and help us bring attention to the horrendous — and illegal — torture and slaughter of dogs and cats in South Korea! We implore you to urge its government to rigorously prosecute and end this brutal trade once and for all.

    Please notify your South Korean colleagues of your awareness of the worldwide protests against this horrific (and supposedly illegal) industry in their country and vehemently urge them to close down ALL dog and cat farms and slaughterhouses, markets, truckers and restaurants who serve their products as soon as humanly possible. 12 brand new animal welfare laws empower them to do this – all they have to do is enforce them.

    There are a number of rescue organizations like Soi Dog or Animals Asia and local others who are ready and willing to help rescue, rehabilitate and rehome the many thousands of dogs and cats trapped and victimized in this hell on earth.

    An online petition calling for your support in ending the horrendous South Korean dog and cat meat cruelty is in progress:

    Horrified animal lovers here and in Korea implore you not to look the other way in the face of this evil industry. Diplomacy must not take priority over courage when it’s on behalf of suffering innocents.

    Many consumers and travelers all over the world (like me) are boycotting all things Korean in protest of these atrocities against innocent animals, which take place in broad daylight, on public streets and markets without a shred of kindness or humane treatment. On the contrary — ignorant peasants are sold on the “medicinal” properties of the meat of a dog or cat that has been tortured to death by burning, boiling, strangling, beating and other deliberately diabolical agonies. All to avoid ailments like heat stroke or impotence … sickening and uncivilized.

    This abhorrent slaughter is not carried out by starving families with no other recourse — it is an illegal yet thriving trade that profits from cynical lies and bloodthirsty cruelty while the world looks on in outrage and despair.

    We would thank you for your time and attention to this urgent matter!

    And please also give Grigsby a hug from the world! As you can well imagine, he would make the perfect ambassador for the long suffering dogs (& cats) of Korea.
    All the best to you and yours!

  12. Dear Ambassador,
    Please help end the dog and cat meat trade in South Korea in which millions of dogs suffer and face unimaginable abuse and cruelty. Please pressure the government of South Korea to end the dog and cat meat trade in their country and enforce the bans that they have on dog and cat meat.


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